Yes, it's true: pineapple's not for everyone. I don't remember who told me this, but it is very helpful, no?
See, when you apply it to your life, you free up a lot of time that might otherwise be spent worrying if someone likes you, or something you made, wrote, etc.
Pineapple is a fruit that some people like, and some people don't. Just because some people don't like it doesn't mean that it's an unlikeable fruit and surely doesn't take away from its value.
If you worry that maybe someone will give you a funny look for wearing a very blue shoe one day, just remember the pineapple thing and you'll be set.
Not everyone likes it, but some do. If you do, that's most important.
I love my pineapple = I love myself, essentially.
But when it comes to this lady: Alexa Chung...I don't like the pineapple. I don't get why everyone in the fashion/blog world is making such a fuss about her. She just looks like a girl who wears clothes that are neither exciting, nor newsworthy.
Yes, she's a fine dresser. Yes, she has a pretty face.
I just don't get it.
All I can say, is when it comes to her, pineapple's not for me.

Moving on...
I'm going to make banana cupcakes today (props to Gwen Stefani for helping me remember how to spell "banana" - remember that lyrical genius, folks?)
If there's a sweet tooth, what body part is for salt lovers?
Sweet lovers who claim to have a "sweet tooth" (ie me) usually remark about how huge it is and sometimes engage in intellectually challenging arguments such as, "No way, my sweet tooth is WAY bigger than yours." "You must be tripping man, because my sweet tooth is like, totally huge, compared to yours..." etc.)
but, getting to the point, if you ate all those sweets you craved, wouldn't that sweet tooth eventually begin to decay and shrink?
No obsession today. Unless hating winter counts as an obsession.

Lady Gaga My Little Pony!

ReplyDeleteOkay... So, sweet tooth... sweaty palms?? Hmmm... Doesn't resort back to taste buds... but I feel like sweaty palms must be linked to saltiness; right??
You are so right that pinapple isn't for everyone and thanks for the reminder because seriously, I was having one of those days where I'm like, aren't I likable? YES. duh. Just not to EVERYONE. So, c 'est la vie and gracias a Dios!
P.S. Despite Gwen Stafani's song, I still struggle to spell bananas... about 80% of the time I write bannanas... and then scribble it out and write bannanas (and then I realize I spelled it incorrectly again); so I scribble it out and write: banannanas... and then I think to myself oh no! I AM SO WRONG HERE... Okay, now SING THE SONG CLAIRE: The **** is bananas= B-A-N-A-N-A-S.
Yep. OK. Bananas= bananas. Thanks Gwen.
Hope those cupcakes turned out well, regardless of how you chose to spell (or celebrate) the fruit!
Hahahahahahahaha, you're bananas!
ReplyDeleteI believe the saying is "salty belly button." Or is it "salty armpit?" I can never remember.
ReplyDeleteThe pineapple thing is something I struggle with. I bite my tongue, hold back my opinions, or don't speak the whole truth because I'm afraid of hurting people's feelings or making people not like me. It's difficult for me to realize, not everyone is liked by...well...everyone. No matter what I do, there will be people that don't like me, so I might as well live my life by being true to me instead of trying to pleaes everyone else.