Two posts in one day? Holy moley! Somebody stop her!
Actually, I'm just a little bored/energized/my other post today only counts as half since it was incredibly short.
I've been getting into shape this past week and fruit has become a large staple in my diet once again.
Something I've been surprised at is my new found love of coconut ( Crazy, I know, but please refrain from telling your neighbors and friends of this important development...I'm trying to stay low-key ) But as I watched Desperate Housewives with my ma tonight, I saw a commercial for coconut m&ms and I'm pretty sure my heart stopped.
My mother was less than impressed as she let out a cold, "eww."
More for me.
Anyhow, my question of the day pertains to fruit.
Do you love any fruit that you previously hated?
Do you have any guilty fruit pleasures? (friends have made snobbish and/or horrified faces at me for loving grapefruit )
-1- Coconut
-2- Hair, minus the straightener (I'm pretty sure it thanks me at night for not burning it to oblivion lately)
-3- the band, Phoenix

Wait a minute - that's not fruit...

That's not fruit either, hey...

I <3 FRUIT! Especially Grapefruit! I also love berries, kiwi, not-so-ripe bananas (did I spell it right this time?).
ReplyDeleteI DO NOT LIKE MANGOS. They are too sweet... I also still don't like coconuts either (yes, more for you!)
Taste transformation? hmmm... idk