Dear Ones,
What's good today?
I don't know if anyone even reads this.
First point of business--how annoying is it when white people call things,"ghetto?" As if they know what ghetto is. I could really go the rest of my life happily if I never hear that again. It grosses me out; kind of like seeing people pick their noses when they think no one is watching, or seeing hair on the kitchen counter. ( sick )
For the first day in...days, I'm in a can-do, must-do, get-everything-done-right-now, attitude. Maybe because I did hardly anything yesterday besides watch a ton of movies and wait for the hot water to turn on.
I cleaned the whole house, did all my laundry, emptied the litterbox, folded all the laundry, and tended to my blooming blog.
But yes, cats do wake up very early when they are hungry.
On a different note, do you ever find yourself looking for a music video of a favorite new song and get really really disappointed when there isn't one? I was in this position the other day and it hit me like a fist ---since when did I start seeing a song and a music video as being essentially linked; one not being able to exist without the other?-- What a sad day that was. Music is for listening. If there's a visual to go along with it, great! Fabulous! But man, I need to really retrace that line in my head several times so I get out of this MTV mentality (oxymoron?)
Who's your favorite superhero?
(mine was always Jubilee from X-MEN...shutup)

Does Vitamin B-12 come from eggs, or was that just a really convincing commercial?
-1-Snoop Dogg's "Beautiful" ( drool )
-2-Peppermint Schnapps
-3-Cucumber slices in my water
-4-M.I.A.'s "Bamboo Banga"
-5-Chickpeas/Garbanzo Beans/Delicious Pearls of...Bean
-6-Heating pad

++++I just finished this book yesterday and it was EXCELLENT!++++++++

How Cool is This Bed? Top Secret/Pop Secret

I don't know if I ever had a favorite superhero growing up; which is surprising since I adore comics. Hmmm... I did always want to be a Power Ranger. When I was in second grade my friend Dan and I formed a club, and yes, I wanted to be the Red Ranger. I know he was a "boy" but whatevs, I just thought he was the shit. The girls were always too... ehhhh yellow and pink? yeah
ReplyDeleteI should be able to answer your bonus question about eggs. I always thought eggs had B-12 but... being that I'm not a nutritionalist I can’t answer that question in the affirmative with complete confidence.